20 Comics by an Artist Who Uses Humor to Depict Slices of Life

In the colorful world of Instagram, where every swipe leads to a new story, there’s a hidden gem called Pink & Black. It’s not just another account; it’s a window into relatable moments wrapped in humor and depicted through quirky comics. With 14,800 followers and counting, this account is a haven for those who find solace in laughter, especially amidst life’s chaos.

The mastermind behind Pink & Black, let’s call them PB for short, embarked on this creative journey driven by a desire to share slices of life in a light-hearted, relatable manner. PB wasn’t an instant sensation; like many great things, it started small. They were doodling in a notebook, turning everyday experiences into comical sketches that resonated with friends.

Credit: Pink & Black Comics

For more info: Instagram | Facebook | Website

#1. What’s this?


#2. Shocking

#3. Pie Crust

#4. Christmas


#5. How was work?

PB’s journey from doodling for friends to owning an Instagram account wasn’t an overnight success. It took dedication, perseverance, and a sprinkle of humor to carve a niche in the vast expanse of social media. They started the Instagram account as an experiment, unsure of what lay ahead. But what began as a leap of faith turned into a delightful adventure.

Now, let’s dive into what makes pink and black stand out. The comics are a blend of relatable themes, often focusing on anxiety, the rollercoaster ride of motherhood, and the playful inclusion of aliens in everyday scenarios. Imagine an alien babysitting or an extraterrestrial taking yoga classes—these quirky scenarios make you chuckle and nod, saying, “That’s so true!”

#6. Doing Chores

#7. Halloween

#8. Accidentally

#9. Bit State

#10. Halloween Costume

But how does PB conjure up these hilarious yet relatable ideas? The creative process isn’t always straightforward. Sometimes, inspiration strikes during mundane activities like grocery shopping or walking the dog. Other times, it’s a sudden burst of creativity in the middle of the night. Ideas sneak up when least expected and are captured swiftly before they disappear into the void.

PB’s method involves observing life keenly—finding humor in the ordinary, extracting wit from the chaotic, and presenting it in a concise comic strip. The themes emerge from personal experiences, conversations with friends, or even random thoughts that refuse to be ignored. It’s the ability to find comedy in the nooks and crannies of daily life that makes Pink & Black so relatable.

#11. Do you ever notice!

#12. Happy Mother’s Day

#13. Happy Thanksgiving

#14. Earth

#15. Ghosts

#16. Scary

The road to gaining 14,800 followers wasn’t all smooth sailing. PB faced challenges—creative blocks, doubting their ideas, and the occasional fear of not being ‘funny’ enough. But through consistency and staying true to their unique style, Pink & Black gradually attracted a community that found solace and joy in the shared experiences depicted in these comics.

What sets Pink & Black apart isn’t just the humor or the art—it’s the connection it fosters. Followers aren’t just passive viewers; they’re part of a larger narrative, contributing their stories and experiences in the comments. PB engages with the audience, creating a warm, inclusive space where everyone feels heard and understood.

#17. Feel Threatened

#18. What’s Up?

#19. Exclusive Ability

#20. Evasive Action!

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