20 Latest comics show us what Pets would say if they could talk

If animals spoke It is one of the most widely thought of statements in the world. Most likely you think your animal understands you and has even learned how to communicate with you. It happens to all owners.
But imagination has more power than reality, or at least that is what Jimmy Craig thinks. An artist who has had the great idea of ​​representing the hairiest in the house and their friends by having good conversations. Craig’s animals do talk.

In the webcomic collection They can talk you will be able to observe the conversations they have with humans and what they tell each other. Are you not curious? ‘Get out of doubt and understand with the help of this creation what the pets are really talking about.

Credit: Facebook | Instagram


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121994066 657843151819564 6911047037193800907 n



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120721809 161407265640253 3235850164089153515 n 1



120197157 830403341065154 8636350277421896491 n


119779202 2777544889190131 985812550696579745 n



119446338 2697708483817207 2667079151507300088 n


118779089 660198357933930 7667397554299366808 n



118662461 2905205059714827 6326324663999866611 n


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Most likely you think your animal understands you and has even learned how to communicate with you. It happens to all owners.
But imagination has more power than reality, or at least that is what Jimmy Craig thinks. An artist who has had the great idea of ​​representing the hairiest in the house and their friends by having good conversations. Craig’s animals do talk.

In the webcomic collection They can talk you will be able to observe the conversations they have with humans and what they tell each other. Are you not curious? ‘Get out of doubt and understand with the help of this creation what the pets are really talking about.


109570840 1529086407270531 8535547135440044018 n


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106218960 3055891447851000 2051292637607247226 n


104430047 259991991900225 8909889128983180515 n


103430703 679496552617419 5753363897276560352 n

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