20 Times Artist Amir Lopez Shows His Everyday Life with His Partner

Amir Lopez is a comic creator famous for his wholesome and funny comics featuring relatable characters and situations. He created his Instagram account in 2017 and currently lives in Australia. He draws inspiration from his own life experiences, his relationship with his wife, and his observations of the world around him. His comics aim to entertain and bring a smile to readers’ faces.

He is well-known for his amusing and lovable comic strip, Wyatt & Blu. This cute comic series focuses on the loving and humorous relationship of Blu and Wyatt. It is a couple with blue hair. His Instagram account has 11,900 followers worldwide who feel connected with their love, humor, and relatable everyday activities. The following section contains some of his best comics.

Credit: Amir Lopez

For More Info: Instagram | Facebook | Website

#1. Celebrity Crush


#2. Smelly Ride

#3. Making Up

#4. Mattress Shopping


#5. Gift Shopping

#6. Good Boyfriend

He was following other webcomic artists and felt inspired to try his hand at the medium himself. The artist says that it all began with him having some free time, suggesting it might have started as a casual hobby that developed into his current passion project. In his early days as a comic creator, he was not an expert in drawing. But with continued effort, he is now a now a master at it.

#7. How We Miss Each Other

#8. Examination

#9. Love

#10. Hiccups

#11. Open

#12. Cold Catcher

#13. Bus Etiquette

#14. Sleeping

#15. Girl Scout Cookies 

His comics are mostly about relationships, love, and routine happenings. They give you an unexpected dose of optimism and playful fun. Lopez’s comics portray a range of universal experiences, such as the pleasure of spending time with loved ones, the discomfort of social experiences, and the challenges of everyday living. Simply go Here And Here to read some of his previous comics on our website.

#16. Carpet Angel

#17. Date Night

#18. Big Hitter

#19. How to Order

#20. Love Speech

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