20 Tragic Glee Comics Based on Hilarious Jokes and Clever Punchlines

Humor can help us see things from a different angle. A funny observation about a stressful situation can make it seem less overwhelming. It allows us to laugh at ourselves and our mistakes. This helps us bounce back from setbacks and maintain a positive outlook. For a perfect laugh, there is no better option than reading comics. That’s why we have another good collection of comics for you.

Tragic Glee is an Instagram account that is not so popular in the world of comics. The artist behind this comic series describes herself as an artist who creates comics based on tragic doodles or life doodles. She is an artist from the United States and joined the social media platform back in 2019. She currently has a small audience of 2,654 followers on her Instagram account. You can check out some of her best comics in the next gallery.

Credit: Tragic Glee

For More Info: Instagram | Website

#1. Taking Me Out


#2. Date

#3. Excited To See

#4. Impulse


#5. Touching Each Other

#6. Real Time

She has been a comics reader since a young age, immersing herself in the worlds and stories created by other comic artists. The artist masters her artistic skills through drawing by copying and referencing favorite comic characters and panels. She also pursues formal art education, attending art schools or taking classes to refine her drawing and design skills.

#7. Spider Man

#8. No Way

#9. Toughest Trainer

#10. Three Some

#11. Number One

#12. Demon

#13. Ancient

#14. The Mask

The artist claims that the combination of funny dialogue and expressions in the artwork creates a visual punchline that can be even more effective than written jokes. She mostly depicts everyday social situations with a humorous twist and mostly creates comics based on a four-panel format. If you find her comics interesting, then do not forget to comment about your favorite one.

#15. Christmas

#16. Life Sentence

#17. Work Place

#18. Emotions

#19. Found It

#20. Relationship

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