25 Times This Artist Creates Weird and Funny Comics That will Surely Make you Laugh

Everyone likes to laugh, but not all of us like innocent knock-knock jokes. Fortunately, there are artists out there who can amuse you with their quirky and funny comics. “Louis Ralph” is the man behind a hilarious series of irreverent strips that keep surprising readers with unexpected endings.

“Louiz Ralph Comics” is a webcomic which based on hilarious and weird comics. The yellowish colorful panels revolve around many different characters and settings makes his comics more attractive to his fans. He always makes 4 panels comics.

He has great sense of humour due to which he has able to achieve family of 20.4k followers on his Instagram account. We have gathered some of their best comics in the gallery below. So go grab a bite, settle in, and start looking through these comics. They could take some time, but we guarantee you, they are worth your time. Enjoy!

Credit: Louiz Ralph Comics

More info: Instagram































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