3 Amazing and Shortest Story Of Pixie and Brutus That Forces You to Think For a While By The Most Talented Comic Artist Ben Hed

Ben Hed is a great comic book artist who is best known for his work in that field. He has also made the covers of books, posters for movies, trading cards, and ideas for movies.

Ben once asked, “What made you decide to make little comics about animals?”

He answered,

“Well, my comics weren’t based on any specific animal movies or characters, but there’s a reason why funny talking animals are so interesting. There are a lot of popular movies about talking animals, like The Lion King, The Jungle Book, and Zootopia. It’s just, I don’t know, an interesting idea. At least I find it interesting, so I did the same thing with my comics.”

If you like webcomics, the names Pixie and Brutus should be familiar to you by now. But just in case they don’t, they are the main characters of the 2018 comic strip Pixie and Brutus, which was made by artist Ben Hed. During these years, the artist gained a huge number of fans from all over the world, and it’s easy to see why when you look at his comics.

Ben doesn’t just make the Pixie and Brutus comic strip. He also makes lots of funny animal-related comics regularly, like these that show what would happen if people flirted with each other like animals or those that talk about the history of well-known dog breeds. But this dynamic duo seems to have won over everyone’s hearts.

More info: Instagram

Check out some of their most recent adventures in the gallery below.


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