30 Charming Relationship Comics by AVR method by using Cute Characters

Anyone who’s been in a romantic relationship understands that it’s made up of the beautiful, respectable, and fun little everyday things that you share with your partner. These little things increase your understanding and bonding with each other. In fact, it’s the little things that make a love relationship grow strong.

Basically, AVR stands for “Anusha V Reddy”. She is an artist who makes comics about little things happened in relationship. By illustrating sincere and adorable relationship moments, she is able to achieved 50k followers on her instagram account.

The artist says that I just hope my art can bring a bit of joy and wholesomeness to those who come across it. The artist use three different charcated in her comics i.e; Purple is me, Grey is Prithvi (my partner), and Green is Bharathi (my aunt, parent, and best friend). Let’s take a look on some of her adorable illustrations.

Credit: The AVR Method

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