30 Hilarious Very Cereals comics with unexpected twists

Comics are a quick and easy way to make you laugh, and we’re blessed with talented artists from around the world who continue to bring us fresh, original humour. Comics also turns our sadness into happiness. Basically, it is a mental therapy for us. Our mind becomes relax and fresh.

“Meo” is an artist who makes hilarious comics for his fans. His full name is “Mohamed El Mayati”. He is Moroccan artist from Germany. The artist’s comics are full of funny twists and their unexpected endings will keep you coming back for more. With currently 13.6k followers, he continue to amuse his fans through hilarious comics.

The artist keeps simple style in his comics because most of his fans like this style. Moe says he loves humor as it has no rules and gives him the freedom to express whatever he wants, no matter how silly or controversial. Let’s take a look on some of his comics. Hope everyone will enjoy these comics.

Credit: Very Cereals

More info: Instagram


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6050633c9cc33 Artist creates comics that are funny and sarcastic at the same time 604b2ac710a74 880


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6050633e8abbd Artist creates comics that are funny and sarcastic at the same time 604b2a9cd95bb 880


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30 Hilarious Very Cereals comics with unexpected twists 33


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6050634182587 Artist creates comics that are funny and sarcastic at the same time 604b2afab4dd2 880


605063409b06c Artist creates comics that are funny and sarcastic at the same time 604b2ab844581 880


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60506341530fb Artist creates comics that are funny and sarcastic at the same time 604b2a92d9db2 880


60506341262c7 Artist creates comics that are funny and sarcastic at the same time 604b2aa2c4b94 880

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