10+ After Death Comics That Shows How Will Be The Afterlife In Funny Way

There is an artist that you may know before because we published her many times on Bored Comics. Her name is Aidee Sea, and she draws quite humorous comics about what happens after death. Her comic has the title After Death Comics. This comic series depicts monsters such as skeletons and ghosts, as well as Grim Reapers going to work and carrying on with normal lives as if they were dead.

The comics created by Aidee are universal and loved by many. Followers of her comics on Instagram are more than 61,100 people from all over the world. Her fans enjoy amusing and colorful illustrations. Her comics that make people laugh are normally about things that would otherwise make them afraid of, such as death and ghosts. They take the characters on arguments and fights. They have fun and even get angry at each other.

Credit: After Death Comics

For More Info: Instagram | Facebook | Website

#1 Hottest Summer ever Had

#2 Inflation is hitting all of us


#3 What a cursed day it is

#4 No one can hear you scream in the library


#5 Finished fixing your ship

Sometimes the comics are funny and innocent, and at other times they can be just dark and based on horror situations. But then they are funny, and then they start discussing matters that everyone has in his or her head about death and burying of loved ones. These comics allow people to know about the concept of death but also wonder about it.

#6 Going to Mars has never been more important

#7 Support the pandas

#8 Best Friend

#9 One bear show

#10 One Horse Town

The drawings that Aidee has made are cartoony, and there is a lot of imagination present in them. He has chosen clear and beautiful colors. The characters in the comics put on hilarious situations as well. This tends to make the creepy locations look more playful. Viewers enjoy it as a guess on what humorous twists are coming up next. It always surprises you with a punchline or an end that is funny, weird, or completely unbelievable.

#11 No tears

#12 Say Hello

#13 How are you?

#14 What’s the point?

#15 That’s Spooks

Therefore, if you wish to smile at skeletons, get wonder by the grim reapers, or deal with ghosts, then do look out for Aidee Sea’s After Death Comics. They even assist us in finding humor in situations that most of the time are very serious, such as what will happen to us when we die. Hopefully, you find this blog amusing one. We have even more such types of blogs on Bored Comics, which you can find here and here.

#16 Sleep Over

#17 Web Assist

#18 Not so superman

#19 So Frosty

#20 Crowning Legend

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