20 Alarmingly Bad Comics Show Unexpected Punchlines and Jokes

Life is not more than facing struggles and challenges. Seeing a ridiculous comic online can sometimes be all it takes to make you feel better, and if done right, it can even be enjoyable. However, there are ways to get through difficult times. For example, reading comics might help you laugh and forget about your problems. That’s why we are here to bring you another good collection of comics based on unexpected punchlines and jokes.

Artist Jon Baker is the creator of the webcomic Alarmingly Bad. He is well-known for his witty comedic artwork, surprising punchlines, and sometimes dark humor. The artist doesn’t give a lot of information about himself. His goal in creating comics is to make you laugh. Funny comics and voiced comics are guaranteed to make your day less unhappy, as stated in his bio. He has 62,400 Instagram followers. Let’s enjoy some of his best comics in the next section.

Credit: Alarmingly Bad

For More Info: Instagram | Facebook | Website

#1. First Wish

#2. Kitties


#3. Getting Off

#4. Brush Brite


#5. Sink Ships

#6. There is no spork


At first, he made the comics for his own amusement. His awkward comics ended up resonating with people, which helped the web comic become popular online. Don’t be surprised by unexpected aggression or dark humor, he advises. All of it is presented in a lighthearted rather than harsh manner, which makes it humorous instead of disturbing.

#7. Timing

#8. Cut off


#9. Still up

#10. grilled


#11. Literally

#12. Untapped Market

#13. Scoring

#14. Low Key

It is a web comic known for its strange and unpredictable humor. The artist, Jon Baker, intentionally creates nonsensical situations and unexpected twists to tickle your funny bone. You can check out Alarmingly Bad at its official website. He also has a presence on platforms like Instagram and Facebook. So if you’re looking for a comic that will make you laugh, be sure to check out his earlier posts on our website by clicking here and here.

#15. Problems With Authority

#16. Overlords

#17. Ding Ding

#18. Ham Time

#19. Awkward

#20. Productivity


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