Here are 20 Comics About Everyday Life and Relatable Situations by Amir Lopez

Amir Lopez, the master of humor, lives in Melbourne, Australia, a center of culture. With his charming and funny cartoons, Amir Lopez creates a world of whimsy and relatability tucked away amid this busy metropolitan area. His creative sanctuary is not a showy studio; rather, it’s the hallways of his head, where his imaginative abilities are unleashed on computer screens.

Amir’s home base is his Instagram account, which has 12,100 devoted followers. Every Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday, he releases new comic strips on this virtual stage. His comic symphonies resound on this virtual pulpit, providing his rapt audience with a break from the ordinary. However, Amir’s artistic endeavor extends beyond his personal account. He dons the mantle of a co-creator, birthing ‘Wyatt & Blu’ in collaboration with a skilled illustrator. These webcomics, akin to a mirror reflecting the nuances of his own relationship, dance with themes extracted from the intricacies of daily life and the ever-evolving tapestry of the world.

You Can Also Explore Some Of His Previous Posts On Boredcomics By Simply Clicking Here and Here.

Credit: Amir Lopez

For More Info: Instagram | Facebook | Website

#1. Home Run


#2. Forbidden Fruit

#3. Bad Form

#4. Meta Mania


#5. You Got Served

Amir’s artistic odyssey commenced back in 2018, a humble genesis sparked by a desire to amuse his burgeoning fanbase. His comics, a testament to his unyielding commitment to entertain, radiate a simple yet profound purpose: to bring joy. Motivation, for Amir, is a melody spun from the threads of everyday life. His passion for the art of storytelling sprouts from the fertile soil of his experiences, blossoming into vivid comic strips that resonate with audiences globally. The genesis of his creativity is rooted in the realm of relatability; it’s the everyday occurrences, the quirks of human behavior, and the kaleidoscope of emotions that become the inkwell from which his ideas flow.

#6. Mr. Efficient

#7. Retail Therapy

#8. Smash Game

#9. Friendly people


#11. Squid Rangers

Inspiration strikes Amir in myriad forms—a fleeting conversation, a shared moment with his wife, or the whimsical nuances of societal trends. These seeds of creativity germinate in his mind, nurtured by his observant eye and his innate ability to find humor in the ordinary. The allure of Amir’s comics lies not just in their humor but in their ability to weave a communal tapestry, stitching together moments that resonate universally. His comics are not mere sketches; they are windows into the collective human experience, adorned with a touch of whimsy and a dash of laughter.

#12. How Primitive

#13. Broomstick

#14. Ultimatum

#15. Space Selfie

#16. Emotional Drunk

#17. ‘Cutting’ you off

As Amir continues to sketch his narrative onto the digital canvas, he remains an artisan of laughter, sculpting moments of joy in a world that often thirsts for the simple pleasures of mirth. With each stroke of his digital pen, he not only entertains but also fosters connections, one comic strip at a time.

#18. Intense

#19. Dressed for Success

#20. Video box

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