AOG Comics is a popular comic series created by duo artists Matteo Ferrazzi and Corey Jay. The full form of this comic series is Adventures of God Comics. Matteo Ferrazzi is the writer, while Corey Jay is the illustrator. Their comics are mostly based on the life of God and his interactions with angels, demons, and humans. They explore the daily routines and challenges of God and highlight the absurdity of his all-powerful existence.
This comic series is well-known for its exploration of religious subjects in modern times and its joyful comedy. Their comics address issues of friendship, family, and faith in an enjoyable comedic way. It has received recognition for its likable characters as well as its ability to simplify challenging topics for many people. They are thus able to interact with 96,600 people through his Instagram account. In the section that follows, we have collected their best comics.
Credit: AOG Comics
For More Info: Instagram | Website
#1. Stan Lee is Coming
The main characters in their comics are God, who is an all-knowing, optimistic figure. This God is forgetful, has a drinking problem, and struggles with a weak ego. Jesus is portrayed as the loyal son who regularly tries to keep things in order and cleans up after his father’s mistakes. Lucy is a holy spirit and humorous character who isn’t afraid to put God in his place.
#2. All animals go to Heaven except for catsย
Gabriel is the overworked and stressed-out angel who handles God’s administrative duties. Ebag is a demon who is surprisingly friendly and even hangs out with the angels sometimes. The artist’s duo puts these traditional religious figures in unexpected situations and creates humor through the contrast. If you find these comic strips interesting and want to enjoy their previous posts on our website, simply click here, Here And Here.