20 Art by Juliet Comics Reflects Her Daily Life Experiences as a Female

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Many comics created by female artists specifically reflect the daily life experiences of women. Because female artists better understand and talk through the perspectives of many girls in their comics. They are mostly based on common scenarios women face, like body image struggles, navigating friendships, workplace challenges, and the mental load of household tasks. This is what a female artist, Juliet, reflects in her comics.


Juliet is famous for her slice-of-life comics that explore female friendships, relationships, and family dynamics with both humor and depth. She has a highly private personality. In contrast, her comics are a pleasant expression of her feelings and daily hardships, which she freely shares with others. It’s surprising how many individuals are familiar with these feelings. Her artwork captured our attention as well, so we thought we would share it with you.

Credit: Art By Juliet

For More Info: Facebook | Instagram

She is an illustrator, comic book creator, and other creative person who resides in Paris. Her aesthetic has been described as silly, adorable, and sometimes amusing. In her works of art, she usually portrays relationships, daily life, and meditation. She is able to connect with her 87,800 Instagram followers by doing this. If you’re interested in exploring some comics that reflect female daily life, then feel free to explore the following gallery.

#1. Music in Public Places

image 3061

#2. Sleeping Habits

image 3062

#3. So cold

image 3063

#4. Exercise at home

image 3064

#5. So Hungry

image 3065

#6. Summer Problems

image 3066

It appears like Juliet is very established in drawing, but that does not suggest the artist is going to want to attempt anything different. Artists go through several phases of creation before they find the style they can name their own. We asked the artist if she had any advice because she mentioned that getting started with comics is difficult. She replies that the script should not be undervalued. It is just as crucial as the image.

#7. So elegant

image 3067

#8. Eyeliner Struggles

image 3068

#9. For the last time

image 3069

#10. What you want

image 3071

#11. Ruin The Moment

image 3072

The artist hopes that her illustrations make people laugh, relate to them, and perhaps even make them feel less alone. That is her hope when it comes to people’s comments about her work. We were curious if Juliet shared the common belief among artists that the purpose of their work is to achieve a particular goal. She doesn’t currently have any expectations. However, if forced to choose, she would suggest publishing an English-language comic book.

#12. Play too much

image 3073

#13. Incoming Call

image 3074

#14. Be Open Minded

image 3075

#15. Playing games

image 3076

#16. Different Perspectives

image 3077

Juliet’s work is not always hilarious, but she has a gift for adding humor and amusing comments to her paintings. Juliet offers perspectives on her own ideas, life, and creative process through her work, which has a very intimate feel to it. To see some of her previous work, feel free to click this link.

#17. Sick Costume

image 3078

#18. Too Late

image 3079

#19. Keep The Change

image 3080

#20. Everybody is watching me

image 3081

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