Artist Create 25 Humorous Comics With Unexpected Plot Twists

Elizabeth Peach and Jonathan Kinsey, also known as the Artistic Pair of War and Pea, have created dark and deviant but humorous jokes about strange situations, an absurd witch, and many interesting characters. He has gained a lot of popularity and is known by many people. These artists have over 800k followers on Instagram.

Humor is influenced by concepts, but some focus on today’s topics, such as fat embarrassment or environmental issues. The parables offer a new and fresh perspective on these problems, while also making you laugh. Most of them may be inappropriate and their end may be unexpected, but that’s what makes them fun. You never know what you’re going to get!

More info: Instagram | Facebook |


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War and peas release comic every Sunday. He started posting comic on Instagram in 2016 and quickly gained popularity. He even signed an international book deal with publisher Andrews MacMillan: the same publisher known as Peanuts, Calvin and Hobbes, and many other web comics known around the world.


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This is how he describes himself on his website: War and the Pea is an ongoing web comic created by two people, Elizabeth Pitch and Jonathan Kinsey. Roaming the streets of his infamous hometown of Srebrenica, Germany.


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Peoples asked him what other comics inspire him to do, We rarely read web comics because we’re not good at relaxing. When we do, we see extravagant comics and Amander Dhaliwal. Enjoy the adventures. Sometimes we stumble upon our comics and find them humorous, too.


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