Artist created funny comics to see what a cat looks like, and yes, he draw on it! (20 comics)

An illustrator artist on Instagram, Lark likes to document funny and heartbreaking moments with his cat – and music – Jack – through humor. And whether she thinks about Jack staying at home all the time or making fun of him or how weird our cats find it when we take pictures of them when they’re trying to sleep. We can get away with it.

“I like how beautiful and intelligent cats are. I also think they have a lot in common with humans when it comes to emotions.” “They look like they’re cold and indifferent, but if you own a cat, you can see how much love they have. My cat Jack is a great companion and a great talker. I love him. That’s how each cat has its own personality, and I’m especially interested in Jack.

Scroll through Locker’s favorite comic eyes and more creative cat content.

Credit: Instagram


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An illustrator artist on Instagram, Lark likes to document funny and heartbreaking moments with his cat – and music – Jack – through humor. And whether she thinks about Jack staying at home all the time or making fun of him or how weird our cats find it when we take pictures of them when they’re trying to sleep. We can get away with it.

“I like how beautiful and intelligent cats are. I also think they have a lot in common with humans when it comes to emotions.” “They look like they’re cold and indifferent, but if you own a cat, you can see how much love they have. My cat Jack is a great companion and a great talker. I love him. That’s how each cat has its own personality, and I’m especially interested in Jack.


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