Artist Draws ‘Slice of Life’ With His FiancĂ©e in 20 Hilarious Comics

Ready for another batch of original and entertaining comics from talented artists? This time we have “A Slice of Alan 4 U” webcomics by (yes, you guessed it right) Alan. He loves to make comics, which is his primary medium to express the enigmatic creative ideas that he gets after watching shows or animations.

He enjoys a laid-back life with his fiancée of 9 years and has been popular for some of his comics going viral on social media. We have selected 20 of his latest works for you to enjoy these holidays. Check out his Instagram page for the newest crack comics, or maybe even support him on Patreon for extra snippets of content!

#1 “Live model.”

#2 “Makin’ a list and checkin’ it twice.”


#3 “Turkey Day.”

#4 “Haha. Got you.”



#6 “Role play.”

#7 “Remember meeee~”

#8 “Halloween Curse.”

#9 “Attack on Texas.”

#10 “Tastes like *ss.”

#11 “Why are they clapping? They love me.”

#12 “Why are they clapping? They love me.”

#13 “Attack the Life Points Directly!”

#14 “It’s Sushi, Chef.”

#15 “Toby.”

#16 “Born of the Bu*t.”

#17 “Weather girl.”

#18 “Swallows.”

#19 “Quack.”

#20 “Teapot.”

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