20 Barely Baked Beans Comics Full of Surprised Jokes and Twists

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Surprise is a complex emotion that arises when something unexpected happens. It can be caused by a sudden event, new information, or a situation that takes place differently from what you expected. The key element of surprise is that it disrupts your expectations. There is no surprise if you can see what is going to happen. This is what an Instagram account with the username Barely Baked Beans creates for his fans.


The creative mind behind this comic strip is Daniel Matheson. He’s simply an ordinary individual who likes utilizing his comics to share and parody the humorous and amusing aspects of everyday life that he regularly observes. His lifetime devotion to watching different artists became the inspiration for him to create a visual comedy platform. It demonstrated to him that being humorous and imaginative does not always mean following what is appropriate.

Credit: Barely Baked Beans

For More Information: Instagram | Facebook

Get ready for some laughing moments because we have collected his best comics for you. Scroll down and get ready to devour the newest batch of comics by Barely Baked Beans. Laughter, excitement, and maybe even a touch of romance await.

#1. Life With Dog

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#2. Explain the angle of the bullet

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#3. Sharing is Caring

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#4. Time To Go

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#5. It’s Not My Dog

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While not a lot of public information is available about Daniel Matheson, his artistic talent and comedic sensibilities shine through in his comics. He combines everyday situations with an extra bit of humor. The humor depends heavily on this unexpected turn of events. His comics are funny and sympathetic because they make fun of the awkwardness and contradictions of daily life.

#6. Let’s Be Friends

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#7. Cat’s Life

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#8. Major Misinterpretation

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#9. Fortune Favors the Bald

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#10. The Final Test

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He claims that while the knowledge of technology required for animations is one thing, it can at times be difficult to continuously provide new, humorous stuff. However, he finds that observations or ordinary events often produce the best ideas. he mostly discovers fresh perspectives on well-known subjects and creates original thoughts on things that are encountered by everyone each day.

#11. Love out of the Blue

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#12. Robot Step Dad

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#13. Snitches Get Bitches

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#14. Fridge Running

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#15. Ear Phones

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He says that humor is not just about punchlines. It is also about creating a scenario. It is all about taking something ordinary and turning it into something extraordinary, making the audience laugh, scratch their brains, and perhaps even think about the more profound meaning of it all. And with his incredible comics, this artist succeeds at achieving just that. By visiting the links provided here and here, you can view some of his best comics as well.

#16. Tell Him to study Hard

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#17. What breed is this?

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#18. Expert Gambler

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#19. The Life cycle of a Soap Bar

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#20. Saucy Magazine

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