20 Times Artist Bibi Makes Comics About Her Relatable Daily Struggles 

Everyone was getting ready for bed the other night browsing the internet when we came across the cute comic strip below, which is drawn by a talented young girl, Bibi. This is a comic artist by the name of Bibi, and she draws some of the funniest strips concerning the everyday lives of women and the several ordeals that come with it. She is a lady who claims that she cannot draw.

But from her work, you can determine that her simplification is an art of portraying those awkward but funny moments in life. Her social media following is more than 11,300 followers on Instagram, and women can find comfort in jokes. The show and her comics depict typical situations in young women’s lives. Her comics are mostly based on a two-panel format in which one is expectation and the other is reality.

Credit: Bibi Can’t Draw

For more Info: Instagram

For example, when one spills makeup products on the mirror and gets menstrual cramps. When you find yourself drawing in one of the comics by Bibi, you discover that other girls are also experiencing those same issues. It is always nice to know that one is not alone and that perhaps, we should not take these rather irritating occurrences as seriously as we tend to do.

#1. When I am Sick

#2. Thinking in another language


#3. In And Out of love

#4. Going to the store


#5. Sleeps like an angel

#6. Making a new friend

Another significant aspect of the performance by Bibi is the message conveyed through her art, where she encouraged people to accept imperfection. Her brilliant portrayal of girls gives a message that one can be a supermodel without having to be absolutely perfect. She embraces life, all of its unique attributes, imperfections, and even the not-so-perfect moments, and does tell us it has to be perfect.

#7. Big Butts Problems

#8. What a beautiful day

#9. Stop crying

#10. Want to feel

#11. Watching a scary movie

She says that it is very important to make any girl feel better about herself and her body. Therefore, the next time you find yourself having one of those embarrassing moments that lead to a bad mood, you must watch her comics. Her comics will surely make your day better and make you feel that you are not alone in your struggles.

#12. Wish for skinny

#13. Smoke Some Weed

#14. That’s cute

#15. So Relatable

#16. Holidays

Pass it on to your friends and make people laugh because everyone experiences these nonsenses in life. Bibi’s one-of-a-kind humor is enough to remind all the girls of the world that no matter how different we seem, at least we are all in this together. If you have any changes or additional information you would like me to include in the post, feel free to inform us. For more fun, you can visit here.

#17. How to ready tea?

#18. Pet Lovers

#19. Sleeping with a pet

#20. Tattoo Lovers

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