20 Times Cartoonist Brad Humorous and Quirky Situations

We deal with humorous and quirky situations as well as common challenges that only seem to affect us daily. Which is why it’s incredible that so many other people had similar experiences to these particular ones. Fortunately, there are a lot of talented comic creators who can beautifully capture how similar we are all.

Similarly, we are here to discuss an artist who creates quirky comics for his audience. It’s this that sets him apart from other artists. The artist is known as Brad. He is most well-known for his webcomic series Bradtjonas, where he presently has 16,200 family members. Let’s enjoy his best comics in the following section.

Credit: Brad T Jonas

For more info: Instagram | Website

#1. Fashion Statements

#2. Making Friends


#3. Awards Show

#4. New Year Resolution


#5. Laboratory Mice

#6. Time for miscellaneous resolution


As you go through, it becomes clear what his comics’ central concept, quirky style, and unpredictable comedy are. He may not have as many fans as other artists, but he never stops entertaining his fans with amazing stuff. His comics frequently depict situations that, while at first glance seem strange, resonate with readers because they sense the underlying relatability and truth in these seemingly quirky situations.

#7. Sunny Side

#8. Family Dinner


#9. What day is it?

#10. Stuff


#11. Happy Cake Day

#12. Free Holiday Classics

#13. A Talk with Dad

He often creates four-panel comics because he believes that four panels are sufficient to make people laugh. Brad sees his own comics as unrelatable, having humorous and unique scenarios that may not appeal to everyone. This self-deprecating term enhances the appeal of his work. I hope you enjoy his comics. If you want to see more, you may do so by clicking Here And Here.

#14. You Better Watch Out

#15. Wait for it

#16. Christmas Traditions

#17. A Gentle Reminder

#18. Snowman Creation Story

#19. The Butterfly Effect

#20. Holiday Office Party

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