By Cartoonist “Jon Adams”, Here are the 20 Quirky and Single Panel illustrations

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There are several creators who produce comics with 3, 4, or 6 panels in length. However, there aren’t many creators of one-panel comics if we’re only talking about them. because it is challenging to depict the entire narrative in a single image. Additionally, the creator finds it challenging to express his unique humor in one-panel comics.


We bring to you a cartoonist who creates one-panel comics with the purpose of making people laugh from among the chosen few. The artist’s given name is “Jon Adams.” He lives in New York. He is the author of the popular webcomic “City Cyclops.” He makes odd comics with a black-and-white theme for his fans. By creating such content, he has amassed 45,100 Instagram followers.

Cartoons that make people laugh have always been the artist’s obsession. He started drawing early in life, like most artists do. Additionally, as a freelance artist, he occasionally produces illustrations, logos, and cartoons. He also produced a lot of comic books. The gallery that follows contains some of his best drawings. I am confident you will like these comics. Have a great day!

Credit: City Cyclops

More info: Instagram


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