By “Jakelikesonions”, Here are 30 Sad Comics Full of Dark humour That Surely hit your Heart

Admit it or not, everyone loves surprises. We like movies that have a twist at the end, we like surprise parties and surprise gifts. Most of us love to enjoy dark comics, but most didn’t even get it. It’s comics that are dark or humorous or seem to go in the wrong direction but turn out to be pretty sane, we want to see them all.

If you have not figured out that “Jake likes onions” yet, let us be the first to introduce you to these dark comics. The artist has over 375,000 followers on instagram and it’s easy to see why when you see his crazy sense of humor. Touching on themes of work, love, death and existentialism, the artist puts his own whimsical twist on well-known proverbs and popular films.

He has a knack for beginning his stories with a deceptive sense of innocence before taking them to places where they really are. You didn’t expect it. Some are light, some are dark, but they’re all fun. So here we have a compilation of “Jake Likes Onions” webcomics for you. These fun little comics have a surprise ending that’s guaranteed to make you laugh and be amazed.

Credit: Jake likes Onions

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