This Artist Creates Hilarious Comics About Mental illness Using Pigeons

Chuckdrawsthings is an Instagram artist who creates comics about their experiences with mental illness using pigeons. Chuck also draws funny animals. Chuck Mullin is a 28-year-old artist based in London who uses her talent to illustrate her daily reality with cute comics whose main character is a pigeon. She creates comics about her experiences with mental illness, specifically anxiety and depression, using pigeons as the main characters. Her main focus is to spread awareness through her hilarious illustrations.

They also draw funny animals. Chuck’s comics are relatable and have received thousands of views. Their work is unique because they use pigeons as the main characters in their comics to depict what it’s like to live with mental illness. Their comics are relatable and have a cute and humorous style that makes them stand out from other artists in the genre. She found pigeons to be the perfect subject for exploring the complexities of living with a mental illness, and a few years later, his funny and whimsical birds have garnered legions of fans online.

She currently has a huge audience of 91,900 Instagram followers. The artist creates comics about their experiences with mental illness, using pigeons as the main characters. Their work is unique, relatable, and has a cute and humorous style that makes it stand out from other artists in the genre. If you’re interested in checking out their work, you can find it on their website or Instagram account. We have also compiled their best 20 illustrations in the next section. If you want to enjoy these comics, then take a cup of coffee and scroll down to the section below.

By clicking here, you can also read some of her previous posts on boredcomics.

Credit: Chuck Draws Things

For more info: Instagram | Facebook | Website

#1. Boss birdy

#2. Video games


#3. It will be okay

#4. Avoidance


#5. Overwhelmed

#6. Jump in


#7. It was all worth it!

#8. Onwards!


#9. A phone call

#10. Appearances


#11. Harsh reality

#12. Splat

#13. Fighting my instincts

#14. Little treat

#15. Little baby

#16. But my tasks

#17. Nevermind

#18. Got nothing

#19. Rise

#20. Gimme a break

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