20 Hilarious Comics Based on Clever Twists and Jokes by Comic of the Apes

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We have been waiting for these new illustrations from one of our favorite cartoonists on Bored Comics, and now at last we can present them to you. We are discussing the excellent animated series Comic of the Apes. This four-panel cartoon provides witty and entertaining commentary on many different kinds of real-life topics, including animals, amusing circumstances, and unique characteristics of human behavior.


We are moving into the humorous world of his finest comics. After all, he is an expert at precisely creating the right jokes. He has a talent for taking everyday scenarios and making them seem strange while remaining familiar in just four panels. The artist is skilled at pointing out the ridiculousness of human behavior while making fun of the quirkiness of our modern environment. Because of this, every one of his cartoons demonstrates his comic skill, raising the ordinary to the extraordinary.

Credit: Comic Of The Apes

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Here are some of his best comics for you to make your day better:

#1. Body Problems

image 1885

#2. Algorithm

image 1887

#3. Tech Support

image 1888

#4. Motivational dung beetle

image 1889

#5. Nutrients

image 1890

#6. Popularity contest

image 1891

When asked about his sources of creative inspiration, he responded that his obsessive desire to amuse himself makes up his only source. When faced with an empty piece of paper, he will just begin to draw until he finds something funny. His son had told him that he was starting to get too mature for his jokes. Due to this, he makes comics for some time and then stops making new comics.

#7. Some Cults

image 1892

#8. Dog House

image 1894

#9. Family

image 1895

#10. Love Reading

image 1896

#11. Important Things

image 1897

We inquired about the artist’s sketching history and sources of inspiration. He claims that his daily activities and life provide the majority of the inspiration for his amusing comics. Most of the subjects in his comics are commonplace, such as relationships, jobs, and social media. But there is always a twist that takes you by surprise. He currently has an audience of 2,323 followers on his Instagram account.

#12. Sufficient Rest

image 1898

#13. Scar

image 1899

#14. Live with invention

image 1900

#15. Email Demon

image 1901

#16. Stickler

image 1902

#17. Born to early

image 1903

If you find this blog interesting, then do not forget to share it with your loved ones. Also, tell us about your thoughts and comics by commenting in the section below. So that the next time we can bring content to your taste, You can also enjoy some of his earlier posts on Bored Comics by simply clicking here.

#18. Fears and realities

image 1904

#19. Security Upgrade

image 1905

#20. Father’s Day

image 1906

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