Meet an aertist named, Eirinnske creator of Eirinnske Comics! Eirinnske lives in Brisbane, Australia, and has quite recently finished a Bachelor in Animation. Eirinnske states, I’ve been drawing comics my entire life however just began paying attention to it more this year and desire to deliver a realistic novel one day.
We have put together some of his most famous comics. I am sure these comics will steal your heart. Scroll down and enjoy visiting us!
As a child, I eagerly needed a dog so I would draw and compose comics about a young lady and her canine. At the point when I was in secondary school, I would draw and compose comics about my companions and the boy I really liked. After secondary school, I quit making comics for quite a while. I can’t say the exact reason, however I lost spotlight on a great deal of things I adored in my late teens.
In 2019, a nearby bar started a comic competition for Halloween. I participated and was granted most horrifying for a comic about a dental specialist pulling out a reluctant patient’s teeth prior to placing them in his own mouth. Pretty gross, isn’t that so?
Creating my first comic after years was the flash that reignited my affection for the work of art. From that point, I began drawing punny Pokรฉmon-themed comics and afterward in the end comics about my day by day life. Following quite a while of drawing a character that looked such as myself, I introduced my green-haired space bun plan and the rest is somewhat history.
Artist has an Instagram account where fans get updates of latest comics. Though it’s new one, yet gathered 12.7K Instagram followers in such a short period of time.