20 Comics You Must See If You Love Dogs

Pets are a ray of light that come into our lives to illuminate it, since by giving us their disinterested affection they show us that real love does indeed exist. By having a pet with us, our lifestyle changes completely.

Some smells change, there is probably a large amount of their fur scattered all over the place, we will have to accustom them to certain things and use a schedule to attend them, but all that is worth it if when we get home they receive us with love.

However, life with a pet also has funny moments and the artist Gemma Gene knew how to represent them perfectly in a series of comics in which the protagonist is her pet, an adorable pugg dog named Mochi.

More information: Instagram


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Pets are a ray of light that come into our lives to illuminate it, since by giving us their disinterested affection they show us that real love does indeed exist. By having a pet with us, our lifestyle changes completely.

Some smells change, there is probably a large amount of their fur scattered all over the place, we will have to accustom them to certain things and use a schedule to attend them, but all that is worth it if when we get home they receive us with love.
However, life with a pet also has funny moments and the artist Gemma Gene knew how to represent them perfectly in a series of comics in which the protagonist is her pet, an adorable pugg dog named Mochi.


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