20 Crab Grass comics Show The Joys And Struggles Of Childhood

Crab Grass comics is a funny and thrilling web comic created by Tauhid Bondia that brings back childhood memories. It brings the joy of friendship between two boys, Kevin and Miles, experiencing childhood in the 80s. He captures the audience’s interest with great comics and fascinating stories. He has amassed 144,000 fans on Instagram. In his bio, he mentions his web comic about friendship and survival.

The humorous and playful scenarios in Crabgrass cartoons aim at portraying the simplicity of companionship. The comic strips revolve around two young boys named Kevin and Miles, who are depicted as typical boys with mischievous and fun-filled childhoods, school life, family situations, and all of the troubles of being young. Kevin and Miles come across as characters that you may be familiar with as kids. 

Credit: Crab Grass Comics

More Info: Instagram | Twitter

The childlike characters and humor fuse with the moments of tenderness and even serious themes. They are rich in laughter and packed full of jokes. Crabgrass brings back memories of childish days when people had more free time and life was not as complicated as it is today. You can better understand his comics by visiting the following section.

#1. kill him with kindness


#2. Want to change Seats

#3. time to get a haircut

#4. A good friend won’t tell your parents


#5. Feeling Lucky

#6. For the record

The spirits of the children may be different now, but the friendship has remained unchanged. Crabgrass makes the readers recall some of the pranks pulled and the amount of enjoyment during childhood as long as there was a best friend around. This very aspect makes the comics popular among people of all ages and from all over the world.

#7. Watched Mega Wrestling

#8. Natures Candy

#9. Can’t go outside

#10. Stop Squirming

#11. A Serious Question

#12. Wake Dad For dinner

#13. None of us Can

If you want to look through the lens of comedy and childhood, here is a perfect recommendation of an autobiographical web comic. Once again, you will be giggling as you get to remember some of the things that Kevin and Miles are associated with from the good old days. For more of her comics, simply visit the link provided here.

#14. Get Your Vaccination

#15. Foul Ball

#16. The Prank

#17. eating paste again

#18. More Baby Teeth

#19. Sugar is sugar

#20. Just my new look

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