An Artist Captures Silly Situations in 20 Random Comics

In a world that often seems too serious, where deadlines dictate our days and routines reign supreme, there’s a beacon of delightful nonsense that brightens our screens—Flip Phone Comics. Benjamin Cooper, the creative mastermind behind this whimsical world, embarked on this imaginative journey on April 16, 2022, unknowingly sparking a revolution of hilarity and joy.

A canvas devoid of characters, only brimming with a plethora of abstract ideas swirling around like a playful tornado. That’s where Benjamin started—no predetermined heroes or villains, just a mosaic of workplace anecdotes and random musings. However, fate intervened when the subject of the banana foster waltzed into the scene. Suddenly, Foster emerged—a character as vibrant and distinctive as the flavors of the dessert that inspired his name.

Credit: Flip Phone Comics

For more info: Instagram | Website

#1. Awesome!


#2. Come On

#3. Lights

#4. Wait a second!


#5. To Get Promoted

Foster, our affable protagonist, became the beacon of this comic universe. With an unwavering indifference to office culture and a knack for finding humor in the mundane, he charmed his way into the hearts of readers, breathing life into Benjamin’s doodles. But the beauty of creation lies in its evolution. As Benjamin continued to weave his tales, Foster’s depth expanded. He became more than just a character; he became an embodiment of the carefree spirit that dwells within us all. And now, a new chapter unfolds—”Foster Goes to School”—an exploration of Foster’s childhood, set in the early 2000s.

#6. No Problem!

#7. Costume

#8. Accountant

#9. Being a pilot

Curious minds often wonder—how does an artist conjure such whimsy? For Benjamin, inspiration is a kaleidoscope of everyday life. From a quirky interaction at the grocery store to the peculiarities of a morning commute, the world is a treasure trove of comedic gold. Ideas strike like lightning, sometimes from the unlikeliest of sources, lighting up Benjamin’s mind with sparks of creativity.

#10. Resume

#11. Model Train

#12. Sigh

#13. Games

With over 150 cartoons in his arsenal, Benjamin’s journey has been nothing short of a whirlwind. And as he reminisces about this creative escapade, gratitude fills his heart. To his steadfast followers—3,209 strong on Instagram—he extends a heartfelt thank you. Their unwavering support has been the wind beneath his wings, propelling Flip Phone Comics to new heights.

#14. Job Titles

#15. Hold it

#16. Hard Time Sleeping

#17. Very Busy

But for Benjamin, this journey is far from over. In his world, silliness and fun reign supreme, serving as the compass guiding his storytelling. With each comic strip, he endeavors to infuse a little more mirth into the universe, one grin at a time.

So, whether you’ve been part of this wacky expedition from the beginning or have just stumbled upon this delightful realm, Benjamin Cooper extends a warm welcome. May these comics be the catalyst for a smile, a chuckle, or perhaps even a hearty belly laugh amidst the hustle and bustle of everyday life.

#18. Tons of sleep

#19. Basket Ball

#20. Budget Reports

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