20 Fresh Comics of Hilarious Mishaps and Fails by MadeByTio

Made By Tio Comics, helmed by the talented Med B. Byte, proves that sometimes all you need are four panels to unleash a world of laughter, absurdity, and unexpected insights. Med B. Byte has mastered the art of conveying ideas in a compact yet uproarious format, where the humor emerges from a delightful concoction of the ordinary and the outlandish.

It’s often said that brevity is the soul of wit, and Made By Tio exemplifies this adage with their four-panel comics. In just a handful of squares, they manage to encapsulate complex ideas, situations, and humor that resonate with audiences. It’s a skill that requires a deep understanding of timing, imagery, and the art of surprise. And Made By Tio has it in spades.
More info: Facebook | Instagram


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After going to web comics, immediately go to Med B.V. It turned out that this was their choice. Explaining, the artist said, I love the idea that you can show so much with four small panels, that you can make people think about different topics, or just put smiles on their faces.


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Made By Tio’s comics have a remarkable ability to poke fun at the absurdity of our world. They hold up a mirror to the quirks and peculiarities of our daily existence, showing us that even the most “normal” situations can be a source of laughter. It’s a reminder that life is a rich tapestry of the ordinary and the bizarre, and Made by Tio has a talent for weaving humor into every thread.


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20 Fresh Comics of Hilarious Mishaps and Fails by MadeByTio 22


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Made by Tio’s journey into the world of comics started with an explosion of hilarious ideas shared with a former roommate. What some might dismiss as “stupid” was a wellspring of creativity for Made by Tio. With a leap of faith, they created a Facebook page and an Instagram account, and their jokes began to see the light of day. That leap marked the beginning of a journey that has delighted thousands of readers.


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