20 Gazu Comics Shows The Daily Life Problems Of Being A Young

Over the last few years, it has been noted that comics can be considered one of the most effective tools for telling stories. Such artists as Gazu should use this format, for it gives them an opportunity to explore the lives of women and their daily experiences. In her Instagram series, Gazu Comics, the topics covered include many of the daily tasks that are not mostly talked about but are essential for being young.

The jokes in Gazu’s comics are presented in a lighthearted and humorous way in order to get across the important and meaningful message on the issues that youb ones always come across in their daily lives. Despite the simplicity and structure of her four-panel strips, she tries to cover as many topics that range from workplace issues to growing up issues.

Her comics understand that young people have progressed, but still they realize that they also have various issues in the areas of career and life in general. She began creating comics in 2017 to improve her writing and drawing skills more as a way of practicing the skills. She is particularly friendly and real with her followers, as they describe her. If you are looking for a belly laugh and a comedy show that is also a realistic representation of life, Gazu Comics is a place to visit.

Credit: Gazu Comics

For More Info: Instagram

#1. Bring me a beer

#2. Do Something productive


#3. Fandom

#4. Life


#5. Look At This

#6. Finished The Exams

She is an illustrator who draws real-life scenarios about daily occurrences and so on, and all of them have humor included. She created the character of herself as the main one in her comics. Indeed, it is mostly about her and the struggles of growing up. Her comics usually depict challenging circumstances so that people are assured that they are not alone in facing some issues.

#7. Watching people

#8. Finally finished the schedule

#9. Going to be good

#10. Want society

#11. Time to study

#12. No Messages

#13. Wait a second

This is the kind of situation she opens up to us about so that all of us may not feel alone as we all have these kinds of issues. It is to make fun of them and, in some way, try to seek the good in situations. Similarly, anything that life throws at us can be dealt with in the same way, and all forms of fear turn into happiness. Therefore, ensure that you get to view her comics the next time you feel extremely depressed.

#14. Good Night

#15. No Problem

#16. School Time

#17. Always be sure

#18. That hurts a lot

#19. Problem

#20. First Time

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