20 Goblin Mode Comics That Will Surely Make You Laugh Out Loud

A smile is a powerful stress reliever, and comics can bring genuine smiles and amusement. This would make you relax and reduce stress and tension. Moreover, since many comic strips are based on daily events and experiences, a large portion of it is very relatable. When you read it, it feels like someone else also experiences the same, which might make you feel better because you know that you are not alone.

In order to cheer you up, today we are bringing you another collection of comics. Another artist that we are going to talk about today is one who does not reveal so much information about his personal life. He is the owner of the comic series Goblin Mode Comics. Despite his comics generally focusing around casual situations, they are very funny and interesting. Let us see how he did that. All of his comics are four panels long.

Most of his works are always four-panel comics, and each of them has its own punchline for making the reader laugh. This artist says that taking a few minutes for reading a comic can be a fast and easy way to remove the stress from your day, and for this, taking a mental break is always good. It is also great for recharging and refocusing, and, therefore, his comics are the best way to enjoy them.

Credit: Goblin Mode Comics

For More Info: Instagram

#1. Happy Birthday


#2. Welcome to hell

#3. Playing Magic

#4. Go back to basics


#5. Is your knowledge infinite?

#6. Intervention

#7. League of legends

The creator often creates short panel comics that make their viewers laugh. Usually, the jokes in the comics are very similar, although the twists themselves are quite ridiculous. I think that this kind of humor seems most attractive because we are able to emphasize with the characters. It is fun to laugh at the things in the comic form that exist between us in real life with humor.

#8. Everything Learn From YouTube

#9. Can’t recognize face

#10. The News

#11. Watch lord of the rings

#12. That spot is reserved

#13. How is the wine?

#14. Ghost Detector

Sometimes, everyone gets stressed in some very awkward situations dealing with their day-to-day life. This very humorous comic series addresses just that. Trust me if you are looking for a good laugh. Do a favor to yourself and check out his works. You can see his comics both on his website and social media. Do not forget to drop a comment and share this rather short blog.

#15. Used Cars

#16. Enough Money

#17. Good Part

#18. Two Types of people

#19. Got any tattoos

#20. Baby’s Home

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