20 Heck If I Know Comics Full Of Clever Jokes That Will Make Your Surprised

If you want to temporarily make yourself laugh or have a good smile, then visit the Instagram page Heck If I Know Comics. Here are some of the  humorous four-framed cartoons in this blog, which are drawn and shared online by Charlie Higson. He is a cartoonist who entertains over 38,800 followers with his peculiar sense of humor. Firstly, they possess mystery, as they may contain shocking twists and jokes at the end.

The artist has two objectives when creating his comics. One is to grab the public’s attention and focus on what makes them laugh. From the comment section of his posts, he is able to identify the various styles of comedy and topics his followers are most likely to appreciate. After that, he is able to integrate that into the cartoons that he produces. It remains a two-way process through which the artist and his followers engage.

Credit: Heck If I Know Comics

For More Info: Instagram | Facebook | Website

Next thing you know, his comics are taking him places you did not even know existed. Secondly, his comics are mostly based on the humor and dark twists, and they are based on day-to-day life occurrences. It is true that the ability to find the funny side in whatever situation he is in is something that many people can relate to. Let’s enjoy some of his best comics in the next section.

#1. You are not stupid

#2. That means cool


#3. Probably get the death penalty

#4. Could a baby do this?


#5. Nothing hotter than a man

#6. Finally completed the robot

In terms of layout, all but one of Higson’s comics are multi-panel, most of which are arranged in a six-panel format. When he gets feedback about his comics, both positive and negative, he aims to improve them. As he put it, positive remarks make him happy, while negative ones challenge him to the extent that he would like to change the attitude of the haters and have them become his fans.

#7. Stop twerking

#8. I will be there for you

#9. What is the problem?

#10. Power of self belief

#11. War time

#12. Race today

#13. Magic nipples

If you feel bored and would enjoy Higson’s dark humor comics, you should take a look at Heck If I Know Comics Instagram. Also, do not hesitate and leave him a message on what you find hilarious. He is always open to fans since he is always working on new comics to spread more joy around the world. You can even enjoy more on Bored Comics by visiting the links here and here.

#14. Love sick feeling

#15. That’s my thing

#16. Summer Sale

#17. Job interview

#18. Robotic Style

#19. Destiny

#20. The Worst Roommate

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