In the world of horror comics, Austin, Texas, is a rising star. This Instagram artist has been gaining popularity for his unique brand of horror, which is filled with dark twists and unexpected turns. He is the creator and owner of the popular webcomic series “Strangetrek,” which has amassed a dedicated following of 32,900 online. If you’re a fan of horror comics and you haven’t yet checked out his work, do yourself a favor and give it a read.
His horror comics are not for the faint of heart. They explore the darker corners of the human psyche and delve into themes such as madness, obsession, and the supernatural. The art is often grotesque and disturbing, but also beautifully rendered. Austin, Texas’ skillful use of light and shadow creates a haunting atmosphere that draws readers into the world of his stories.
His horror comics stand out from the crowd due to the unexpected turns and twists he incorporates into his stories. When readers believe they understand what’s going on, Austin, Texas, surprises them with a shocking revelation or a sudden shift in direction. Readers are kept on the edge of their seats by the overall feeling of dread in his writing. You can click here to view some of his earlier entries on boredcomics, and the following section includes his top 20 illustrations.