Here are the 25 Light Hearted Humour Comics by “Biased as Fluck”

It is often said that “laughter is the best therapy”. For laughter, comics is the best way. If you are true comic lover then nothing makes you happy rather than bundle of fresh light hearted humour comics. If so, then creative mind behind webcomic series named “Biased as Fluck” is nothing less than a therapist in this situation. He always makes fabulous comics for his fans.

The artist does not share much information about him. He choose to be unidentified for his audience. The artist turn his dumb ideas into hilarious comics. Most of the ideas come in this artist’s mind when he is going for walk with his friends. His comic style, fun stories are way better than other artists.

It is hardly unexpected given that he has 34.1k instagram followers. However, he surely deserves more than this according to his content. So we gathered some of this artist’s favorite comics for your viewing pleasure. If you want to make your mood happy then you are in a right place. Must scroll down the section below.

Credit: Biased as Fluck

More info: Instagram































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