20 Hero Pie Comics That Perfectly Highlight Her Daily Life Mishaps 

If you are a fan of those web comics that depict typical life situations and funny moments that we all have to face, then Bored Comics is the perfect place for you to enjoy your free time. If you want to see that type of comic, then you should try Hero Pie Comics, which was made by Ophelia Chiu. She is a talented drawing artist, and she is quite secretive about her private life and identity.

The only thing that is known for sure is that through her beautiful character known as Hero Pie. She draws some of the funniest and most touching comics depicting the awkward moments of life in the present day. She is a young lady who is struggling to become an adult, to understand relationships and work for dreams, as well as to just live life.

Her comics are based on themes such as feeling lost, how to cope with anxiety, looking for meaning in life, and many other things that people try to find in the world and enough courage to be okay. She currently has an audience of 8,278 followers on her Instagram account. If you want to enjoy her best comics, then take a cup of tea and feel free to visit the next section.

Credit: Hero pie Comics

For More Info: Instagram Facebook

#1. Give me a second

#2. Young lady now


#3. Did you enjoy the party?

#4. What’s in your coffee?


#5. Valentine’s Plan

#6. Back to boxes

Overall, Heropie Comics is something that every lost 20-year-old can relate to. The four-panel strips feature images and humorous text about such subjects as being bored at your day job, dating, and searching for your purpose in life when you are clueless. Ophelia is not a funny character, but she has to face real difficulties. However, the comics illustrate her everyday trials and tribulations in a funny way so that people can have a good laugh.

#7. Scratches head

#8. Dog Logic

#9. Insurance Plan

#10. Daily routine

#11. Scary Story

#12. Summer Things

#13. Not Again

As she tries to understand who she is, her comics appear to provide her and her numerous followers with some relief and a sense of understanding that all is not well and nobody is perfect. Hero Pie Comics is the story of the daily happiness and daily struggles to follow the dream until one finds what brings him or her happiness. If you are interested in reading a comic that is as exciting as real life, then do not miss out her earlier posts by clicking here.

#14. Do you even lift?

#15. Some cities don’t believe in tinted windows

#16. Summer time to cut your hair 

#17. the light reflects off the building across from me 

#18. Repeat all day

#19. You Know What?

#20. Let’s get started

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