25 Hilarious Humor Comics that will make you laugh

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As the definition says, humor is anything that causes fun. The joke “A conductor was recently electrocuted, proving, after all, that he was a good conductor” is funny (for some at least), but so is a smile.


The humor in the workplace might be watching episodes of The Office during lunch or taking a break to play table football; it is anything that can cause fun.

The important thing to remember is that humor, in its many forms, is beneficial to work and life. Office humor makes “9-5” more enjoyable.

Many people assume that for something to be considered funny, it must evoke laughter. And while comedians can use that as a measure of success, that’s not the case with humor at work. Anything that relaxes the body, makes people breathe, elicits a smile, or causes happiness is humor.

In fact, the trend in the business world is to stifle laughter. And as silly as it may sound, there are a number of reasons why people don’t laugh at work. But the use of humor can help change that.


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The important thing to remember is that humor, in its many forms, is beneficial to work and life. Office humor makes “9-5” more enjoyable.

Many people assume that for something to be considered funny, it must evoke laughter. And while comedians can use that as a measure of success, that’s not the case with humor at work. Anything that relaxes the body, makes people breathe, elicits a smile, or causes happiness is humor.

In fact, the trend in the business world is to stifle laughter. And as silly as it may sound, there are a number of reasons why people don’t laugh at work. But the use of humor can help change that.

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