20 New Comics by Lucas Turnbloom That Hilariously Capture Relatable Cat Behaviors

Lucas Turnbloom’s comic series, How to Cat, takes a hilarious and relatable look at the antics of our feline friends. The artist’s inspiration comes from his own cat, Sweetie, whose quirky behaviors make for the perfect comic material. Through simple yet funny illustrations, Turnbloom perfectly captures the sometimes ridiculous always endearing habits that all cats seem to share.

Fans of the series can’t help but recognize their own cats in Turnbloom’s work. I often hear from people My cat does the EXACT same thing or Are you spying on my life says the artist. Whenever I hear these things, I know I’ve done something right. It’s a great feeling. These reactions show how well How to Cat taps into the universal experience of living with a cat. With over 188K followers and counting, How to Cat has become a favorite among cat owners sharing the love and humor of living with a furry friend. If you haven’t already, now’s the perfect time to join the growing community of fans who can’t get enough of these hilarious cat-filled comics.

More info: Instagram | Facebook | x.com | patreon.com | howtocat.threadless.com





Lucas Turnbloom, the artist behind How to Cat, recently shared how much things have changed since his last update. I’ve gained a lot more readers following How to Cat since we last connected. Sweetie the cat and I are super grateful and happy for the new fans. Lucas shared, excited about the growing popularity of his comic.As for his creative process, Lucas explained that it often involves quiet reflection. A lot of my comic writing is just me sitting around, thinking. Or walking around, thinking. Sometimes I overthink things, and ideas don’t flow as easily. Then, out of nowhere, Sweetie knocks over a lamp or spills a cup of coffee and suddenly inspiration strikes. Lucas’s process seems as unpredictable as the behavior of the cat he draws, but it’s clear that the quirky inspiration moments continue to lead to relatable and hilarious content that his readers love. The comic’s popularity continues to soar as fans continue to connect with its amusing portrayal of life with cats.







We asked Lucas Turnbloom if there had ever been any comic ideas that he ended up scrapping, and he was quick to confirm. Oh, absolutely. I usually try to keep my comics to no more than four panels. If I can’t get to the punchline by panel three or four, the joke just doesn’t feel right to me. I really admire those who can do long-form comics, but it’s just not my style. For Lucas, the key to his comedic timing lies in brevity, preferring to keep things concise and impactful, which is part of what makes his How to Cat comics so effective and relatable for his audience.








Lucas Turnbloom opened up about the artists and comics that have had the greatest impact on his storytelling style. As a kid, I was captivated by Peanuts, Garfield, The Far Side, and Calvin and Hobbes. Those comics got me hooked on the medium he shared. Now, I draw a lot of inspiration from contemporary creators like Beetlemoses, Fowl Language, The Awkward Yeti, Sarah Scribbles, and Chris Hallbeck. They’re truly some of the best in the game. These classic influences, mixed with his own unique perspective, help Lucas craft relatable, hilarious, and often heartwarming comic strips, particularly through his How to Cat series.





In addition to How to Cat, Lucas Turnbloom is also the creator of a graphic novel series titled STEVE L. McEVIL, published by Random House. The latest installment, STEVE L. McEVIL and the TWISTED SISTER, is set to release on March 11, 2025. This exciting addition introduces a sassy talking cat named Mrs. Cuddles adding even more charm and humor to the series. Lucas encourages fans to pick up the book, as he hopes to end the series on a high note, ensuring it goes out with a bang.





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