20 Infinipop Comics Filled With Dark Humor Jokes And Twisted Endings

Instagram is full of all kinds of comics. However, it is worth noting that comics present funny reflections of our daily lives in a humorous and funny way. Moreover, when it seems that the comic has only a couple of ways to develop, the artist makes an unexpected, sharp turn, keeping us in some suspense and waiting for an unexpected punchline. For the same reason, we came back to please you with a new portion of such comics.

The man continued making such fun comics every week. And after some time, when the quality of his comic drawings became better, he began to get followers on Instagram. This realization that so many people find humor in my relevant comics and all of the kind comments written by readers greatly inspire the creator inside me to continue working, he said.

Credit: Infinipop Comics

For More Info: Instagram | Facebook | Website

We would like to introduce you to an Instagram account named Infinipop Comics. It was created by a famous artist, Oliver. More than a year ago, he started creating comics to deal with frustration, depicting random artistic ideas that came to his mind. By now, he has built up an audience of 26,800 followers on his Instagram account. You may have a look at his best comics here.

#1. Meeting the Grim Reaper


#2. Lord of the rings

#3. Here comes the Sun

#4. Urban Tribes


#5. Money

#6. The Art

Even though it does not provide a lot of information and context, Infinipop is quite popular on Webtoon. If you want to know more about Oliver and Infinipop Comics, you can look up the author’s social media accounts that are not related to Instagram. In addition, you may see if the comment section on Infinipop’s website provides you with any additional information. Most importantly, go to the Webtoon page to see if Oliver leaves any comments there.

#7. Under Water

#8. Waking Up

#9. Heart Attack

#10. Happy Birthday

#11. Making Comics

#12. Just Chill

#13. Respect Son’s Opinion

#14. Selling Drugs

Infinipop comics differ from others in the fact that they can make people laugh and cheer them up even if they are in the worst mood. Indeed, Oliver is a talented person who can turn any ordinary thing that has nothing funny about it into a hilarious joke. We are sure that if you are angry about something, too, his comics can save your good mood. Go take a look at some of his older posts by visiting Here And Here.

#15. Car Approaching me

#16. Are you ready yet?

#17. Exam Results

#18. Finished the exams

#19. Fission

#20. Any final questions?

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