20 Clever Comics Based on Unexpected Twists and Endings by Land of Logs

Indeed, life is not always smooth and easy; it is full of challenges and stress. When the workload becomes uninteresting and you feel bored, it is time to have fun and enjoy a little bit. Today we would like to share some of the most amusing comics that will surely put a smile on everyone’s faces. To be more precise, we are going to introduce a comic series title, Land of Logs Comics. It was created by Logan Melvin, who is a designer turned comic artist.

Logan begins to draw everything manually on newsprint since it was a tradition he adopted while in art school. He also sought to use technology in learning, but was most useful when using pencil and paper. He then scans the sketches and uses Illustrator to turn them into well-typed comics with bright colors and clear outlines. It is obvious that Logan has mastered the factors that can make comics visually appealing.

Credit: Land Of Logs Comics

For More Info: Instagram

His comics are full of humor and witty incidents, unpredictable events, and twists at the end of every post. Logan says that, despite working at designing, he spends a lot of time telling stories, but he can only dedicate a few hours to comics. However, the few that come from him are definitely worth a look. You can enjoy his best comics which we have compile in the next gallery.

#1. Always so complicated


#2. Lost Dog

#3. Split Checks are fine

#4. Ask for an application


#5. Look at that stud

#6. Hurry Up

#7. Join me for a drink

Apart from creativity, Logan has marketing skills, which have been revealed several times in his comics. This was especially helpful, as he found ways for comic artists to start seeking payment for their creations on their own, which has surely helped him. His comics are usually funny but have a twisted sense of humor, and they engage his fans into reading through the creative jokes.

#8. Who is the other one?

#9. Pickup Artist

#10. Time we talk about

#11. Big Foot Hunters

#12. Self Check Out

#13. Going to Achieve greatness

#14. Do not know

So if you are a fan of black humor and comics that can be described as nontraditional, do not hesitate to follow Land of Logs. Logan is great in the sense that one can read his comics and take a humorous break from the different issues that life throws at you. Please share your thoughts in the comment section below and tell me which among all the Land of Logs comic that you like the most. For more enjoyment, click here.

#15. Good Afternoon

#16. Friends Giving Party

#17. Checking you out

#18. Stressful Day

#19. Having Second Thoughts

#20. Movies

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