20 One-Panel Jokes by Laughing Hippo Studio Will Tickle Your Funny Bone

Humorous comics have always been enjoyed by newspaper and magazine readers as a means to lighten up their day. While some comic strips depict a sequence of events and employ as many as ten panels for the storyline and the joke, a single-panel comic strip offers one panel to employ for the joke. What it means is that the power of humor is indeed in its simplicity. all it requires is a single punch line delivered perfectly and genuinely, making people burst out of laughter.

Among the one-panel humor comics, none can beat Doug Hill of Laughing Hippo Studio, who is a master at creating simple but humorous comics. He has more posts than any other Instagram account, with posts exceeding 1,865 and followers of more than 5,536. He has become a recognized Instagrammer because of his ability to use humor to twist regular situations in ways that people never expected.

Credit: Laughing Hippo Studio

For More Info: Instagram

It is interesting to see that those fans who have been watching his comics for years would find a lot of value in his new approach, just as anybody who listens to him will find even his corniest jokes to be somewhat surprising. You will also become a fan of him once you watch his hilarious cartoons in the section below. We hope his comics will surely make your day better.

#1. Got it


#2. So Amazing

#3. Complaints

#4. Great Chick


#5. Exercise at night

#6. Traveled with clown

From the artwork perspective, the cartooning style that is employed by Hill is basic and warm, based on the comic strips for newspapers. It is also important to notice that in many of his jokes, he makes fun of familiar aspects of life, most likely familiar to readers of older age, such as relations with families, daily annoyances, and generational differences.

#7. Organic

#8. Hilarious

#9. Like to hear more about that

#10. Really

#11. Pig Farm

Specifically, Hill derives concepts from his own family experiences, from actual society, and from references that people can easily connect to. The scenarios feel real, making it easy for the readers to think of similar situations that they come across in actual life and find amusing, as well as some comical confusion. He generally explores common expressions and twists to ensure a giggle on the reader’s face.

#12. Meaning of life

#13. Better than civilization

#14. End of the tunnel

#15. Night off

#16. Exposure charge

As much as the illustrations depict, one frame with well-drawn humor can go a long way in making someone’s day. For anyone who wants to have a daily or weekly dose of laughter, one can follow this comedian on Instagram by visiting Laughing Hippo Studio. As posts are regularly updated, there is always something hilarious for the reader in Doug Hill’s comic series. You can even enjoy more by visiting Here, Here, And Here.

#17. Hot in here

#18. Not Surprised

#19. Summer School

#20. Never Talk

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