20 Ridiculous Comics by Marginally Creative Can Make You Laugh

We are back to talk about a comic book series in which the creator’s comic strip offers an entertaining story about everyday situations, such as irritating coworkers, strange dating experiences, or dramatized family gatherings. You are correct if you guessed the name of the webcomic. We are discussing the Marginally Creative Comics comic series. The author brightens your day by turning everyday issues into humorous jokes.

The creator of this comic series likes to joke that he started the comic strip as a means to deal with his very first life trouble, but in reality, it was a way to get back in touch with the creative side of him that he had given up while in college. The title Marginally Creative Comics came about since he had to relearn how to draw from the beginning. But so far, the journey has been enjoyable.


It is a well-known web comic series that finds humor in the ordinary and the slightly perfect. An artist going by the name Marginally Creative creates his comics, which include a variety of characters in real-life environments. This is a less well-known artist, but once you see his comics, you will not be able to look away. Some of his greatest comics have been included here. Scroll down if you want to appreciate them.

Credit: Marginally Creative Comics

For More Info: Instagram Facebook

#1. Drawing Skill Set

#2. Crazy Escape Room


#3. Self Esteem

#4. When you have a very low social energy meter


#5. Death Taxes

#6. Fire Conditions

He explained how he goes from the basic concept to the finished artwork when making a comic strip. The majority of his inspirations are from his cats, real-life experiences, and random ideas. He usually begins a comic by drawing out the scenes to determine whether they are funny or not. He further says that certain comics require multiple attempts to achieve the desired vibe.

#7. No Receipt


#8. When your cat needs breakfast immediately

#9. Google is always listening

#10. True Heroes of time travel


#11. swipe Comic

#12. Pestering Moms


#13. Cat Class

#14. No need for a partner when you can struggle alone


He draws comics on a wide range of absurd subjects. However, they mostly focused on the amusing scenarios involving the character himself. Marginally creative comics are definitely worth checking out, whether someone is looking for a good smile or can identify with the sense of being a little weird. Remember to leave a comment about the comics you like best. We hope you have an amazing time while reading this blog.

#15. A Fever Dream

#16. When good words are also bad words


#17. Peas have no other use

#18. Friendship


#19. Old New Songs

#20. Learning New Crafts


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