20 Mighty Comics Make Us Laugh With Its Hilarious Scenarios 

Sometimes in life, you wake up in the morning to realize that life is monotonous and unremarkable, just like any other day. The busy schedule is filled with work, household tasks, and other responsibilities, which mostly do not allow free time for pleasure or relaxation. Mighty Comics is an Instagram account that makes us laugh to make our minds fresh. He is a United States-based illustrator and comic artist whose actual name is currently unknown.

He is here to make your daily routine somewhat less boring and definitely less heavy with the help of his cheerful four-panel comics. The artist used to travel a lot while in college and thereafter. He has worked as a freelance illustrator for the past few years. While he may still occasionally do some client work, he has been pursuing more of his original ideas as a full-time job.

Credit: Mighty Comics

For More Info: Instagram

He first started drawing comics by being influenced by his elder brother, as they both used to come up with childish comic strips. He says that it became possible to pay attention to the moments that are challenging, embarrassing, and rather annoying but still incredibly funny as an adult when Mighty Comics began. You can better understand his content after visiting the following gallery.

#1. Why are you in jail?


#2. Pumpkin Spice

#3. It is Snowing

#4. Trick Or Treat


#5. Vegan Vampire

But he realized that if he were to include these ordinary occurrences with an element of surprise, he would be able to create a large number of possibilities for comedy. Although he did not gain many followers at first, he was encouraged to continue making content when he received positive comments from his first few followers on Instagram, which are now 1,539 followers.

#6. Look at that cute girl

#7. Spill the beans

#8. Will you marry me?

#9. Accomplishments

#10. Tells Joke to friend

The main focus of his comics given him is to make fun of life and the stress that comes with it. This can range from not knowing what to say during the initial stages of a conversation to having discomfort in social settings such as parties or the mortifying events that occur when we least expect them. Although we might not always be comfortable when experiencing these anxious moments.

#11. Art Block

#12. Do nothing this summer

#13. Diet Plan

#14. Biggest pet peeve

#15. Longer to live

#16. Wish for more coins

With his active and highly-followed account on Instagram, Mighty Comics maintains the four-panel layout that supports the artwork and dialogue when telling the joke. But we really do not think you should need to be told that if you are having one of those days, weeks, or months when things feel just a little too busy and depressed, maybe take a minute to chill out with Mighty Comics. 

#17. Sorry About That

#18. Do not touch

#19. Applying Sun Screen

#20. Happy Birthday

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