20 Awkward Comics Full of Disturbing Punchlines by Mr. Lovenstein

If you have an addiction to comic strips, then Mr. Lovenstein needs no introduction because of his popularity in the world of comics. If you are a regular visitor to Bored Comics, then you must have seen his blog before. You can see his previous posts on our website by visiting the links provided here, here, and here, if you did not see them before. The creator has been producing, for many years, what some people consider to be the best web comic.

Cartoonist J.L. Westover is well-known for his darkly comedic works. His simple visual style is used to express strange scenarios, existential dread, and uncomfortable interactions with others in his comics. He started working on his web comic in 2010 because he wished to be a part of the active comics industry. With 927,000 followers as of right now, his Instagram account has a sizable following.


Credit: Mr. Lovenstein

For More Information: Instagram | Facebook | Website

We compiled some of Mr. Lovenstein’s latest slices of life, which provided a ridiculous viewpoint on the world and acted as a constant reminder that laughter is, after all, the best medicine. Make sure to read the next sections when you scroll down.

#1. Say Anything

#2. Online Discourse

#3. Cast Down


#4. Last Word

#5. External Validation

#6. Burner out all the time


He is the artist who is famous for his dark humor, awkward situations, and disturbing punchlines. Above all, he was a comedian, and people enjoyed a good joke. Even though his father wants him to be philosophical and introspective, his original interest was in drawing. He then creates accounts on many social media platforms to share his comics with people all over the world.

#7. Stuck in a rut

#8. Watching My Life Pass Me

#9. How to make friends as an adult


#10. Strongest Soldiers

He produces paintings and other artwork as a street and abstract artist. In the early days of online comics, Westover talked about being drawn to the range of options and possibilities they offered. It also indicates a desire to produce information free from the limitations that come with conventional publishing. His steady upload schedule over a number of years suggests a strong internal motivation for creating and sharing his work.

#11. Horny

#12. The Ancient Prophecy


#13. Trash Talk

#14. Priorities

#15. Refreshments


The illustrator updates his Facebook and Instagram profiles regularly with new comics. His website is the best place to find his most recent work because he uploads new comics on a daily basis. His dark comedy is full of unexpected turns and thoughtful viewpoints on difficult situations. If you’re searching for something to read and think about that will make you smile, this web comic is definitely worth checking out.

#16. Happy in my dreams

#17. All of my ideas

#18. Let It Go


#19. Out of comfort Zone


#20. Too Big For Mouth

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