20 Nids Comics Shows the Struggles Faced Being a Girl in a Relatable Way

A highly skilled female artist named Nida started the Instagram account Nids Comics. She is a comic book artist who uses jokes to portray relevant events. She is a well-known freelance illustrator who has created several works of art. Her comics center on a twenty-year-old girl’s everyday challenges and awkward moments, which are common experiences for young adult girls.

A character who resembles her experiences in her comics, such as the awkward situations, anxieties, and comedy typical of teenagers and young adults. On social media, she has 1,124 followers on Facebook and Instagram. She primarily shares her comics on Instagram, although they are also available on Facebook. A selection of her finest illustrations can be found in the following section. If you are a girl, you can relate to her comics.

Credit: Nids Comics

For more Info: Instagram | Facebook

#1. Sales Season


#2. Creativity decided to step out for bit

#3. How is the heatwave treating you?

#4. Know me to well


#5. Marriage

#6. My Relationship with High heels

Early in 2017, she began her career in the comics world. Starting a webcomic series is something she would never have considered. That’s why it wasn’t scheduled. She began drawing and creating comics as a way to pass the time after work or school. Ultimately, it turned into a passion, and she decided to commit the rest of her life to creating comics.

#7. Cheese Cake

#8. Stress

#9. Messages

#10. Interview

#11. Just Married

#12. Goal Smasher

#13. Teaching

#14. Cut it

Her comics capture the very spirit of the teenage years, particularly the struggles that young people experience. Her comedy goes into the discomfort of daily existence, our mutual inner dialogues, and the challenges of maturing. You have certainly enjoyed this blog if you are experiencing this phase as well. See our website for further posts to make your mood better.

#15. Holiday Season

#16. Break

#17. Marriage

#18. Diet

#19. Drama

#20. Career Life

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