These 20 Weird and Relatable Comics by “Pain Comics” Can Surely Amuse You

We all analyze our lives in different ways. Others may see opportunities and chances for enjoyment in every challenge they encounter in life, while some people may see stress and trouble at every turn. A comic book that deviates from the norm and provides something fresh and distinctive is called a quirky comic. They frequently use unusual storytelling techniques, bizarre situations, and oddball characters. Audiences seeking out something new and thrilling frequently enjoy quirky comics because they can be both humorous and thought-provoking.

Social media sites have developed into a showcase for artists in recent years, allowing them to expose their work to a large public and win recognition. “Pain Comics,” who have a sizable following of 62,300 for their distinctive style and compelling narrative, is one of the most well-known Instagram artists in recent years. An artist by the name of Pain Comics, whose real identity is unknown, makes quirky, relatable, and funny comics. Usually, but with a twist, the subjects of their comics are commonplace issues and scenarios that we encounter in daily life.

Another reason why pain comics have become so popular is because of their ability to create weird and absurd scenarios that still manage to make sense. For instance, one of their comics shows a monster trying to take a shower, but since it is so big, it ends up flooding the entire bathroom. While this may seem like a strange scenario, it is still relatable since we have all experienced bathroom mishaps at some point in our lives. We have compiled his best 20 illustrations in the next section. I hope everyone will enjoy these comics.

By clicking here, you can also read some of his previous posts on boredcomics.

Credit: Pain Comics

For more info: Instagram

#1. Strike 1!


#2. Your mom is a narc

#3. Watch yourself

#4. Good save?


#5. Traffic stop

#6. Home security

#7. Insecure

#8. Honesty is strength

#9. No lawyers

#10. Dating

#11. Three losers

#12. Oh really

#13. A bit to the left

#14. Short

#15. Nice try

#16. The egg

#17. You are not gonna believe this

#18. Other stuff

#19. Ruff

#20. Low blow

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