20 Pierre Mortel Comics Are Perfect For Those Who Enjoy Dark Humor

Pierre Mortel is a popular comic strip artist who comes from rural France. He has been into it from the very beginning as a little kid, drawing on the walls. Pierre was not very good at first, and this made him even more frustrated. So he did not have to write the truth at all and spent the time inventing delightful stories instead. For several years, Pierre was able to make many different comic series.

He was also able to get most of his knowledge while continuing to collaborate with other artists. Luckily, he has improved in his art work through hard work and dedication. Now Pierre has over 38,400 followers on Instagram. Neither Pierre had ever used social media often before the year 2016. His fans appreciate the different concept. His comics contain horror elements and a sense of humor. That is why these jokes are even more enjoyable.

Credit: Pierre Mortel

For More Info: Instagram | Facebook

Let’s have a look at some of his best comics, which we have collected to make you happy:

#1. Can’t even hear me

#2. Try Walking


#3 Super Hearing

#4 Don’t try to shame


#5 Life in short

#6 Art critique

This is where we need to figure out what makes Pierre’s comics special. First he introduces fun in a generally so serious way as the comic industry is. People who like watching the dark comedy really do like it. Also, his art is different because he mixes themes of horror and fear with humor. For dark humor lovers, his comics are perfect for them to enjoy.

#7 Nobody Likes You

#8 My Philosophy

#9 You are so pretty

#10 Thinking Hard

#11 The Question

#12 Don’t care about looks

#13 It’s a very nice tool

In some situations, his comics are easily recognizable, such as humor and dark jokes. If you are impressed with his work and enjoy his comics, then do follow him on Instagram. There you can see more comics of such type. We have also published his blogs many times before. If you are willing to enjoy more content, then we have provided the links for your ease. Simply click the links here and here to view more.

#14 Street Life

#15 The Most Powerful Wizard In The World

#16 Look who is here

#17 Life is weird

#18 Leave me Alone

#19 Good Stuff

#20 Just a body

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