10+ Poorly Drawn Line Comics Based On The Moments Happen In Friendship

Let me tell you guys about one comic that is actually liked a lot on the internet, Poorly Drawn Lines. It was created by Reza Farazmand. But we must remember that there are many more series that were created by him. For as long as there has been knowledge of his life, he has loved comics, starting from high school. But he began this comic series when he was a last-year student at the University of California, San Diego.

At college, Reza initially began distributing his comics through the college paper. This let him share his work in front of the students. Gradually, his comics were viewed by millions of internet users every day. This is just as well, because in 2013, Reza gave up his day job to work on Poorly Drawn Lines full time. Now he has more than 2.2 million followers on Instagram.

His drawings are also simple, with clear shapes and simple figures. It is not true to say that Reza is the best artist. Still, this is one of the many reasons people enjoy comics. Her drawings are simple, and this way the reader has no distractions while reading the words and concepts. His comics depict life concerns, stress, solitude, and purpose. Most people can associate with these general emotions.

Credit: Poorly Drawn Lines

For More Info: Instagram | Facebook | Website

#1 We have a mouse

#2 This one goes out


#3 Control your anger

#4 Don’t even feel real


#5 We are friends

#6 Honest with me

As it has been indicated, every comic strip is independent and at most contains a joke or a message. Of course, there are those characters and stories that are featured and extended through multiple comics. The outcomes are that they become curious to discover what is going to happen next. The simple art style is fitting for the lighthearted nature of the comics, as it is about friendship and finding the reason to live.

#7 Watching the sunset

#8 Just a sweet little bird

#9 Hustle Culture

#10 Come to the party

#11 Nobody Listens

#12 Friendly Email

#13 my own way

Reza’s fans enjoy the fact that the many characters of his comics are as ordinary as they are, but his comics focus on philosophical concepts. It is evident that the basic art style enhances the enjoyment of reading these comics as well as the humor present in them. For more comics, one can check out Bored Comics or click Here And Here. You will definitely get one that forms some kind of feeling on your face with a smile.

#14 Excuse me?

#15 Decisive

#16 Both of those options

#17 Don’t need money

#18 Ripping me off

#19 The Good Times

#20 Just a very small dog

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