20 Shen Comics Perfectly Shows Life Struggles and Random Thoughts

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Life is full of struggles. It is something everyone experiences, regardless of their background. Knowing you are not alone can be comforting, and artist Andrew Tsyaston is the one who wants to show it. She is the artist who says that overcoming challenges can make you stronger and that you should surround yourself with positive and encouraging people who can offer help and a listening ear.


Let’s talk about her comic series with the username Shen Comix, which makes her so popular in the world of comics. She started this hilarious comic strip in early 2013. This web comic is famous for its relatable humor that shows awkward situations, everyday struggles, and random thoughts in a funny way. She captures the awkwardness, anxieties, and humor of everyday situations that many people can identify with.

Credit: Shen Comics

For More Info: Instagram | Facebook | Website

There are some of her best comics in the following section. For more of her comics, feel free to visit Here And Here.

#1. How Life Looks Like?

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#2. Making You Talk

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#3. Look At That Guy

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#4. Throw Harder And Better

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#5. X-Ray Vision

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She is masterful at capturing the awkward moments in life that everyone experiences, from social interactions gone wrong to misunderstandings with technology. She currently has 1.8 million Instagram followers and 1.2 million Facebook admirers. The themes of the themes of the entertainment industry are occasionally incorporated into her comics, which gives readers who are aware of them an additional sense of comedy.

#6. Parking Validation

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#7. Next Bus

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#8. Beginning Vs End

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#9. Whenever Horny

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#10. Move So Fast

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Shen Comix has grown significantly since its early days, with a large and engaged following across social media platforms. Her comic series has resonated with readers due to its relatable humor and ability to capture the essence of everyday life’s awkward moments. Her multi-panel comics can shift from humorous and cheerful to sad themes, which keeps readers interested and engaged.

#11. There are some feelings

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#12. Fandom

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#13. All Things Considered

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#14. Crafts Store

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#15. Really Obsessed

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#16. Look Terrible Today

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She provides a look into her point of view, usually considering the experiences of young people and teens. The reminder provided by Shen’s artwork is that all feelings, no matter how strong or ridiculous, are normal and natural for people. Beyond entertainment, her comics provide comfort and validation for readers who see their own experiences reflected in the comics.

#17. Evolution of the internet

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#18. Hospital Bill

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#19. Calculating Speed

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#20. Excellent Hearing

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