20 Shitty Watercolor Comics Known for Witty and Relatable Situations

Shitty Watercolor Comics, also known as S Watercolor, is a popular web comic series created by British artist Hector Janse van Rensburg. Despite the name, comics are known for their witty humor and relatable situations. His comics are also known for their surprisingly charming and simple watercolor art style. By capturing such situations, he is able to amass a huge audience of 304,000 followers on his Instagram account.

He started the comics in 2013, and he quickly gained a following for their unique blend of humor and art. He started this web comic as a hobby to spend his free time drawing. But after getting positive feedback from people, he started drawing full-time. His comics often feature dark humor, self-deprecating jokes, and social commentary, all delivered in a lighthearted and relatable way. Let’s enjoy his best comics in the following section.

Credit: Shitty Watercolor Comics

for more info: Instagram | Facebook | Website

#1. What are you thinking?

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#2. Different

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#3. Imagining

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#4. Did not do anything

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#5. Worry about things

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#6. Need help

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His comics deal with everyday situations and anxieties that many people can identify with. He has expertise in finding humor in random and unexpected situations. His art style is surprisingly charming and adds to the humor of the comics. His comics also touch on social issues in a lighthearted but amusing way.

#7. Fast Forward button

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#8. It’s nice

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#9. Robot Day

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#10. Little bit longer

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#11. Fight forever

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#12. Lot of things

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#13. Coming back

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#14. Just stay here

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#15. Just me

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You can find Shitty Watercolor on various social media platforms, including Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook. Several collections of his comics have been published in book form. If you’re looking for a good laugh and some relatable humor, his comics are definitely worth checking out. His unique combination of humor and relatable content makes them a popular choice for comic fans looking for a laugh.

#16. Never felt

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#17. Negative Thoughts

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#18. Despite coming

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#19. Talk about the goodness

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#20. Lovely one

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