20 Amazing Comics by Shreya Animation Summarize a Girl’s Daily Life

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Comics can summarize a girl’s daily life in many ways, like getting ready for school, dealing with friends, and experiencing family life. They use humor and relatable situations to capture the essence of a girl’s daily routine. These comics also highlight the awkwardness that mostly comes with being a girl, like dealing with crushes, periods, or social anxiety. If you are a girl, you have undoubtedly believed at some point in your life that being a girl could not be all that easy.


You are in the correct place, if you are a girl, because we would like to introduce you to the artist we previously featured on our website. Just click this link to view her past posts on Bored Comics. The everyday struggles and problems that many girls face are the main subject of the series produced by Sheya Animation. Nearly all women have seen these realistic comics at some point in their lives, and some younger women are likely still going through them.

Credit: Shreya Animation

For More Information: Instagram | Facebook

Currently, her Instagram account has 16,400 followers. She says she draws cartoons that wonderfully represent the goals, joys, struggles, and experiences of girls and women. These comics are not only funny, but they also give women confidence by showing them the importance of their opinions and the necessity of having their experiences acknowledged. Some of her best comics are in the section that follows.

#1. Girls Math

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#2. Moving Out

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#3. Wearing Flared Jeans

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#4. Timmy

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#5. No matter how much we fight

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#6. Different Views

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In her comics, the main character is a young woman in her early to late twenties, and we occasionally see the views of her friends and parents. We were also interested in how Shreya creates ideas for her new comics. We discovered that she primarily drew from her personal experiences and amusing stories he had heard from friends. Occasionally, her ideas are based on imaginative thoughts.

#7. So True

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#8. Modern Problem Requires Modern Solution

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#9. Putting Eyeliner

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#10. Fight With Siblings

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#11. You Know It

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She is a gifted artist who masterfully depicts both the good and bad parts of daily life, particularly in her soft and artistically drawn comics. She portrays these situations in her comics so that other females can relate to them and realize they are not the only ones going through tough times. She uses a variety of social media channels, but her Instagram account is an excellent option to see her most current creations and get an understanding of her creative process.

#12. Can Manage To Live Without You

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#13. The Clingy Pimple

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#14. Morning Vs Night

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#15. Open Hair Looks Good

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#16. Home is so boring

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The cartoon creator shared with us the inspiration behind her work. Her strongest impact can be seen when her drawings make others smile or laugh, which is something she enjoys doing. Please remember to leave a comment and tell your close ones about her blog if you found it enjoyable and relatable to read. Return regularly to Bored Comics for such amazing content.

#17. Hair accessories

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#18. So Sweet and cute

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#19. Start Dieting

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#20. Accidently Good Picture

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