top 20 Clever Jokes Comics By Simon Said To Make You Laugh Out Loud

We are going to talk about Simon Johnson, who is an illustrator and graphic novelist. He graduated with a degree in animation but did not pursue a career in animation. Instead, he wanted to be his own artist and illustrator for his comic creations. He loves drawing and has been inclined towards comic books since his childhood. At school as well, he drew comics for friends, drew whatever somebody asked him, or had some school work to do.

He has now grown into an adult, and instead of continuing with children’s comics, he uses his spare time to develop his own. He has more than 1,519 individuals following him on Instagram who love his jokes and comics, which are highly colorful. His comics show likeable characters, and the series’ twists and turns ensure the audience’s attention remains on the pictures in the frames.

He reads children’s books and web comics to familiarize himself with the basics of drawing comics regularly. This means he is able to augment areas like color theory and scene composition with his own concepts. He is passionate about presenting his ideas through his comics, and his comments are all about urging people to go through more of his artwork. Let’s enjoy some of his best comics.

Credit: Simon Said Comics

For More Info: Instagram | Website

#1. Human Writings

#2. what’s your favorite?


#3. No Wonder

#4. To Destroy Kingdom


#5. Are you winning son?

This artist’s brilliant creative thinking has gained a reputation for both his outstanding sense of humor and artistic skills. His cartoons instantly capture the reader with their eye-catching color design. His comics are worth watching because of their charming and tragic characters, which demonstrate his talent. Because each panel has a unique surprise, his fans continue to read comics to the very end.

#6. Bad News

#7. Get out of here

#8. Public place

#9. Open Up

#10. Your turn to do wash

#11. Found Out

#12. Giving Hassle

#13. Let’s get this bread

He is the artist who says that if only an individual can devote himself to doing art the way they have always wanted to, it is really good to see that happen. Simon’s efforts to improve himself while creating entertaining pieces of art are impressive enough, and his concern for people whom he meets through his intense and bright comics seems to be worthy of appreciation. You can also appreciate the artist by watching his comics by clicking Here And Here.

#14. Trouble

#15. Calls for a memory eraser

#16. Accidently Called

#17. Awkward Questions

#18. Thanks Driver

#19. Can Fix This Marriage

#20. Wonderful Compliments

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